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All About IHS Chapters

IHS has a robust network of affiliate chapters. Like IHS, these chapters are home to hearing aid dispensing professionals, including hearing aid specialists/hearing instrument practitioners and audiologists, who share an interest in promoting strong professional and educational standards and advocating for the profession and patients their members collectively serve.

IHS encourages all hearing aid dispensing professionals to be members of both their international organization (IHS) and their state/regional association (chapter) as these dual memberships provide complimentary support and resources. Involvement in your local chapter also enable hearing aid dispensing professionals to have a strong voice in legislative, regulatory, and other policy initiatives at all levels which benefits the profession overall. 

Chapter membership also provides additional opportunities for connection in your region. While IHS works closely with its chapters, each one is independently organized and governed by their own elected Boards and chapter membership is completely separate from your IHS membership.

For IHS Chapters - Access more information, such as chapter resources, forms, and other materials, through our Chapter Resource Center.  (IHS member login required.) 


IHS Executive Director Alissa Parady on the Importance of Joining Your Local Chapter


How You Can Get Involved


Check out the IHS Event calendar to learn more about Chapter Events near you!

Chapter Listing

Access info about your local IHS chapter by visiting our listing of chapter websites

Connect with My Local Chapter
Complete this form to get in touch with the IHS chapter near you.